Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Moseley Fuel Stop (Marshall, Texas)

I didn't take a picture myself so Google Maps Street View will have to do.

There's nothing left of "Moseley Fuel Stop" in Marshall, Texas except for the sign as seen above. It opened in the 1960s or 1970s (no further detail can be found) at the southeast corner of I-20 and Texas State Highway 43.

The truck stop closed in 1985 (seems there were deed issues that prevented reopening or redeveloping and it deteriorated for years afterwards. In 2009, a fire destroyed much of the gas station but even after the fire there were still parts of the gas station left over. Around 2014 the rest of the gas station was torn down, except for the sign.

I'm not sure what the future of the site, or the sign, is. It doesn't light up anymore and it's not protected by any historical decree.

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