Thursday, August 22, 2024

Former Conroe Creosoting Company (Conroe, Texas)

The railroad spur and crossing in its original configuration (as of the early 2010s).

As far as further adventures on Highway 105 go, one of them was the intersection of Porter Road and Highway 105 east of Conroe. It was a "lost site" for a while. The former site of Conroe Creosoting Company from 1946 to 1997 (with the address of 1776 Highway 105), I remembered this site because of the unusual setup of a railroad track running through the middle of the intersection. Since around the mid-to-late 2000s it was disconnected from the mainline (but never removed from the roadway). When I first know I saw it in 2003, it was still connected, so theoretically a train could run across it, it quickly was overtaken by weeds on the other side. No trains had been on this for several years.

Despite the discontinued spur, it remained as an officially active crossing, even getting new paint at some point, and despite the rough state of the signals never had any "Tracks Out of Service" sign.

The crossing has been restored but the tracks on the other side are new.

In 2021, The Home Depot built a new distribution center (FDC/BDC 5859) re-activated the railroad spur in the middle of the intersection (with Porter Road being extended north as well), though the railroad is very different on the other side (the old set-up had the railroad continue at a sharp angle so it would parallel Highway 105). Notice that the link above refers to a "vault" where toxic waste was stored, you can see on aerials, the "vault" is still undeveloped. The distribution center has the address of 400 Porter Road. (This information previously appeared on Carbon-izer.)

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